
SDTR Marine Pte Ltd 2021 3rd Quarter Announcement

一、Company Information

1.Chinese Name:新诚航运(SDTR)

2.English Name:SDTR Marine Pte Ltd

3.Legal RepresentiveGao Dehui

4.Registered Address600 North Bridge Road, #16-06/07, Parkview Square, Singapore 188778

5Company Introduction: SDTR Marine Pte. Ltd. (SDTR) is a joint venture shipping company incorporated in Singapore in 2013. Shandong Shipping Corporation, who is a large state-owned enterprise and one of the largest ship owners and operators in China, is the controlling shareholder of SDTR.

SDTR provides dry bulk transportation with worldwide services. Cargoes carried include grain, coal, iron ore, mineral, bauxite, fertilizer, coke, petcoke and sulphur etc. The company’s main activities are focused on grains, coal and iron ore trades.

二、This Quarter Important Event

Board Meeting on:

· change in 82k vessels contractual arrangements

· change in allotment of shares and adoption of constitution

· appointment of CEO and resignation of MD

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